Personal drama never ends for 'Teen Mom' star Amber Portwood. The young mom, who made headlines in December after an arrest for domestic abuse and faces allegations of underage drinking and prescription pill popping, is now back in the news for some extremely unfortunate naked photos of herself. Though she claims to be heartbroken by the "leak," a source tells me the attention-starved star was in on the whole thing.
"Amber knew very well these pictures would come out," a friend of the young mother tells me. "She is starved for attention and loving that everyone is talking about her again. Last time she wanted press she leaked images of a huge portrait of her daughter she had tattooed on her stomach and now this."
One person who knows all about leaked naked photos is 'Real Housewives of New York City' mom Alex McCord. She even has a bit of friendly advice for Amber.
"While I've never seen the show and don't know who Amber is, I can certainly tell her from experience that lots of people, including mothers of all ages, have nude photos of themselves. Once you're in the public eye, everything you do is subject to being lifted, leaked or gossiped about, so just own it, take a breath and move forward. Last I checked, everyone has a naked body."
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