When I think about great asses, Kim comes to mind. Not JUST Kim Kardashian, but Kim Heart too! I met Kimberly Heart in the middle of 2010 for a lighting and retouching seminar we both modeled for. I didn’t know what to expect, but five minutes into the day, as I was doing her hair and makeup in a cramped hotel bathroom, we really hit it off! Ever since that day this Italian beauty has been a JV fave.
Since then we’ve shot together again and really made some great pictures, people call us the twins!! (Go see for yourself!)
If you love curves (26-25-35), and I KNOW you do, Kimberly is someone to follow! You can keep up with her on Twitter @KimberlyHeart69.
Hometown: San Bernardino, California
Current location: Birmingham, Alabama for college
What will make you definitely drop a guy on a first date?
Try and move too fast- in that special way boys do.
Something new you’ve learned about yourself?
I am bisexual! How fun to be a girl and like them too!
Favorite sports Team?
Alabama Crimson Tide Football
Favorite band?
Motley Crue
Fave food?
Mac and Cheese
What is your favorite part of your body?
I love my back and shoulders!
What is your “thing” in bed?
I love to take control now and then! Most times I love passionate and gentle touches day to day.
Celeb Crush?
I’ve actually itemized this! I’d love to kiss Angelina Jolie’s lips, grab Nicki Minaj’s ass, and of course I crush on Jess Vaugn! As far as guys, I really crush on Gerard Butler because of his sense of humor and sex appeal.
Fave part of a man’s body?
I love great teeth and a warm heart.
Play it safe or take the dare?
I always go for the dare. I would rather take the risk and not make it work than to look back and wonder.
Does your family know you’re taking sexy and scandalous pictures?
Yes, and they love and support me. I don’t have a super close family, so we all do our own thing.
I know you have a motorcycle, tell us about it!
Its a Kawasaki Ninja but I hope to upgrade soon enough.
We know you’re adventurous, where’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?
I was dating this guy who worked security at a building in my hometown. I came to visit him at work one night and was doing a round with him when we decided to walk to the car for a few minutes on break. I was so turned on from not having seen him for days that I rode him in the car- It was so fast but great!! Later that same night we had sex again on the hood of his car in public! Good thing it was dark and no one saw us!
Lingerie, I collect sets!! Hot bubble baths, and of course, vibrators.
Have you been in Playboy?
Not yet, I’m fresh meat, but I plan to be one day! What an iconic magazine Hef has built… I’d really love to be a part of the Playboy family.
Freestyle a goodbye to all your new Playboy reader fans!
Please add me on Facebook and Twitter to see all my new pictures, I shoot all the time so there’s always something new! Also, no matter what your dreams are, remember, you are in charge of your own destiny and only you can make it happen- go for it!!
Photo credit: www.dannygriffin.net
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