Daniel Morales
"She just called me out of nowhere," said Daniel Morales. What set the wheels in motion was Unheard in New York gifting Morales with a prepaid cell phone and his own Twitter account. ("In a time when communication is all around us, we felt it was necessary to give a voice to the people who needed it most," reads a message on the site, which was created by the interns of the ad agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty, reports The Gothamist.) Morales quickly racked up more than 3,000 followers.
Shortly before he was to be interviewed on CNN En Espanol, Morales heard his phone ring – and it was his long, lost daughter, Sarah.
"I need to see you ... We got so much to say," said Daniel, who planned to see his daughter on Friday. As he told a bystander, "I've been looking for her for years ... She just called me out of nowhere."
– Stephen M. Silverman
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