When you think of late-night TV hosts, Mark Hoppus isn't exactly first person who comes to mind. Bringing exclusive interviews to the masses with musical icons, the Blink-182 frontman gives Leno, Letterman, Fallon and Conan a run for their money.
Have a hard time taking the man behind 'Take Off Your Pants and Jacket' seriously? Remember that Ozzy Osbourne dropped the now infamous "Who the f**ks Justin Bieber?" on Hoppus' couch last season. Osbourne's candid answer launched a Super Bowl advertisement featuring the rocker and YouTube breakout star.
"Totally unscripted, totally from the heart. He had no idea who Justin Bieber was!" said Hoppus.
'Hoppus on Music' returns tonight at 11P/10C on Fuse. See Mark Hoppus talk about the upcoming season after the jump!
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