Celebs Need to Stop Taking Pictures of Their Naughty Bits

This isn't the first time we have issued such a warning and we know it probably won't be the last. But here we go again, putting this out there as a public service announcement in the hopes that some lost famous soul will heed our wise words.

Famous people: don't take X-rated pictures of yourselves and send them to other people...any other people. That means don't send them to your girlfriend (because that's not gonna last), your wife (also tenuous) and definitely not to some chick who hasn't even agreed to go on a date with you (Yup, Brett Favre, still looking at you). Don't even send them to your doctor if you have a funny rash or any members of your family for any reason at all (wrong, for entirely different reasons).

The most recent nudie pic offender is none other than singer Chris Brown, who really has enough on his plate these days. Over the weekend a full frontal shot Brown obviously took of himself in a mirror and sent into the universe, emerged online. The photos could have been part of a trade of sorts with ex-girlfriend Rihanna -- what looked like her half of the set leaked back in 2009.

We hate to invoke a double standard, but it is true that for male celebrities the naked photo is much more of a punchline than for the ladies. Maybe it's the inherent narcissism in the men's pics. While women who take photos of themselves in compromising positions seem to be doing it because they're sadly eager to please, the men simply seem to be showing off. That is rarely sexy.

For example, the "leaked" nude photos of teen mom Amber Portwood, were more tragic than anything else. Yet Brown's just seem silly and detract from his cred as a serious artist, which is how you want people to view you before you release an album.

At the end of the day, we urge celebrities, male and female, to keep it in their pants ... it being that digital camera, cell phone or flip cam. Save the nudity for your one on one (in person) time. If we can help just one celebrity avoid an unfortunate crotch shot, we feel like we've done our good deed for the day.

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