Samuel L. Jackson says growing up without a father made him more determined to be a hands-on dad.

He said: "My dad was an absentee dad, so it was always important to me that I was part of my daughter's life, and she deserved two parents, which is part of the rationale behind us staying married for 30 years."
"Because everybody has a chance to say, 'F**k it,' and walk away, you know? But you also have a chance to say, 'OK, f**k it, I'm sorry.' Even if you're not."
The 62-year-old star is very proud of his behavior over the years as he hasn't gone off the rails like many other Hollywood stars.
He told Esquire magazine: "I've never been to jail. I've never been arrested. I've never been locked up. I'm a good son, a good father, a good husband - I've been married to the same woman for 30 years."
"I'm a good friend. I finished college, I have my education, I donate money anonymously. So when people criticize the kind of characters that I play on screen, I go, 'You know, that's part of history.'"
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