Jennifer Aniston's very funny Smart Water advert!

There is no denying Jennifer Aniston has got a wicked sense of humour. In fact, we’d have to say we think Ms. Aniston is a very funny lady.

Jen’s funny style has had us chuckling for many years thanks to her mahoosive stint on Friends as Rachel Green and the many romcom movies she has made since.

The 42 year old star has been the face and body for Glaceau Smart Water for a while now. Past advertisements have seen Aniston stripping off in her gym gear to show off her toned, so-not-a-40-year-old’s body, drenched in sweat. These, of course, got a fair bit of attention when they were released last May.

How to top that? The geniuses over at Smart Water have come up with a hilarious ad designed to go viral. As viral as possible.

The clip sees our fave lady trying out a series of stunts designed to get as many hits on the internet as is humanly possible. There are cute puppies, dancing babies (who get told of by Jen for dancing a bit too raunchily), a double rainbow (remember that guy? The internet sensation who cried about seeing a double rainbow?) and finally she kicks one of her team of internet geeks in the crotch. Hard. As she does this she says, “Sorry, apparently that’s worth about 100,000 hits.” Ouch. The best bit? When Jen asks her internet buddies what they should call their advert? They reply, “Jen Aniston’s sex tape.” Yeah, that will DEFINITELY get people searching!

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