If you're to believe the latest cover of OK! Magazine, dating 'Twilight' co-stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are married -- and the magazine has the pictures from "the big event in Brazil" and "their sexy Rio honeymoon" to prove it.
Relax, R-Patz fans, you still have your shot at him. Turns out the magazine is exercising a little creative license: It's not Pattinson and Stewart who honeymooned in Brazil, but -- as any Twi-hard knows -- their on-screen 'Twilight' counterparts, Edward and Bella. The vampire and his human love get married in 'Breaking Dawn,' which is currently filming in Brazil. Pretty sneaky, OK! Magazine.
Given that the magazine's headlines make no mention of the movie, trumpeting instead that Rob and Kristen themselves tied the knot, we are forced to come to one of three conclusions: 1) the magazine knows something we do not, 2) the magazine's editors didn't actually know they were filming a movie, or 3) the editors have a funny concept of "journalism." (Oh, whom are we kidding? It's a tabloid, after all.)
At least the pictures give us a glimpse of Robert Pattinson shirtless. Check out the magazine cover after the jump.

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