Lindsay Lohan likes food!

It seems that Lindsay Lohan has expressed a new passion, a passion for food! From the looks of Lilo, it’s a new passion.

The actress has taken up cooking in her new home in Venice, California as a relaxation technique for all the stress in her life (‘totes lols’), we’re glad she’s embracing food and eating in general as a hobby (something the Heat Office also embraces with open arms).

The main reason we’re so happy for her is because Lindsay has had quite the plethora of hobbies in her past…some great, some not so great.

The not so great were actually bloody awful; Binge drinking, drugs, fights, Herbie: Fully Loaded. We can’t work out which is more offensive.

Hopefully this new found love for cooking will curb her chaotic lifestyle and we’re also hoping that the inevitable cookbook will read more ‘Beef Wellington and Chips’ than ‘Coke Frosted Shreddies with a bag of low fat Smack a Jacks’.

We wish Lilo well in her new quest. Hopefully she’s finally back to her sweet, innocent self and we can stop crying over our old copies of The Parent Trap…Come back to us Lindsay!

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