Forget Acting, Charlie Sheen's Tweets Could Make Him Millions

Charlie Sheen is going to be the richest unemployed winner in Hollywood. The actor has accepted a gig with to start tweeting endorsements. The company already pays around 1,000 celebrities to tweet about brands. CEO Arnie Gullov-Singh told The Hollywood Reporter that Sheen could become the company's most valuable asset, a title currently held by reality starlet Kim Kardashian.

The model works by paying celebrities between $200 and $25,000 to tweet on behalf of advertisers. The brands in turn get the exposure from a celebrity's wide-ranging feed of followers as well as the cache of being associated with someone famous.

That's a nice base to be sure, but and Sheen might not want to start swimming in their hundred dollar bills just yet.

In order for this money-making scheme to work, brands need to want to be associated with Sheen. Granted there are certain brands that will have no problem aligning themselves with the bad boy just for the exposure it will bring them. But's big dog clients -- Sony, Microsoft, Lionsgate and Old Navy to name a few -- may think twice before opting to co-brand with the mad man who is flaunting his polyamorous relationship all over the media and bragging about banging back 7-gram rocks of cocaine.

We actually can't wait to see who and what hops aboard the Sheen gravy train.

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