Conan O'Brien Movie Kills at SXSW [Review]

conan obrien movieConan O'Brien is the star of a documentary that premiered on the fittingly Irish day of St. Patrick's at South by Southwest on Thursday, and Moviefone was there to offer an early take on the film.

Directed by Rodman Flender (who helmed 'Leprechaun 2'), 'Conan O'Brien Can't Stop' is a primarily verite work that presents a candid behind-the-scenes look into the post-NBC months of the understandably angry personality.

Many will, if they haven't already, refer to 'Conan' as this year's 'Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work,' and there are plenty of similarities. We get to see another comedian on the road, talking about the disappointments of his career and exposing a side and depth of character we haven't seen from him up to now. The best thing, story-wise, in 'Conan' is how he goes from being so needy of notability and recognition at first, such as in that opening scene, to expressing great annoyance with fans who demand too much of him.

In a way, it's like the anti-'Justin Bieber: Never Say Never.'

Then again, some of 'Conan' almost seems unrealistically ingenuous, as if he's either playing up his cantankerous behavior and biting insults for the sake of Flender's camera or he's simply just kidding around regardless of being filmed. There are only a few moments in which it truly comes across that he's being mean-spirited and his words are met with discomfort rather than laughs (on screen, that is; all these bits are met with laughs from the viewer).

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